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Searching for the spark

So, I’ve been having a hard time emotionally these last few months and I’ve tried writing, a past time I have always enjoyed, but to little or no avail. I even joined a MeetUp group to try and focus myself on the task but you guessed it, no joy. I have shed-loads of thoughts and ideas swimming around in my head, all clamoring to be heard, recorded and shared with the rest of the world, only to come crashing up against the brick wall that is my befuddled, bemused and, ultimately, stuck brain. Then, I just thought, ‘GET ON WITH IT! What in Hell’s teeth is holding me back other than me?’ Therein lies the question: what indeed? Well, I could say that the clutter that surrounds me is not conducive to clear thinking and creativity. I could say that clearing that clutter is beyond me alone and therefore moving forward is impossible. I could say that my mind is so full of clutter that even if I cleared my physical world I would still be mired in the junk o

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